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Holliwood Elite Borrowing
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Borrowing jewelry is no longer a privilege reserved just for the Hollywood Elite
Free jewelry. Sounds like a solid oxymoron, right?
Not really. There are TWO WORLDS in which jewelry is literally handed out for free to women to wear it. Mind you, not to own it, but to show it off, which is ultimately what jewelry is all about. Being seen with it.
Just saying it like it is :)
One of those worlds we are way too familiar with. It's the women of the Hollywood Elite and everybody else who wants to be considered the Hollywood Elite. Celebrities of all calibers are mindfully positioning Cartier love bangles as a staple of daily chic (because that's their basics) And when a special occasion comes up, instead of spending a small fortune for diamond jewelry, they just borrow it. Jewelers love the exposure this gives them, and gladly rent the jewelry in exchange for bragging rights that stars are wearing their jewelry. Win win situation.
The second world of free jewelry is for the rest of us human women. It's called Trejours. It's a very new world, run by women who understand from first hand experience that deep inside, we can all be divas. Since we are the stars of our own movies, it's only fair to look like a million dollars for any special occasions (Covid shall pass, too) The easiest way to do it is to try it. You can sign up for free month of jewelry here.
Sometimes the best things in life are free. Live with it :)
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